Monday 23 April 2012

How urbanization influence the culture of village feast

First Edition!

Usually around the village, especially in Malaysia, villagers often practices the culture of village festivity which they cooperate among themselves. Every each time there are feast such as wedding feast, welcomed the new birth, feast of gratitude and etc, they will performed the initial  preparation to provide food. they will make a lot of work such as the mans, they will slaughtering either the ox, goat or chicken for the feast. meanwhile the woman also perform work by helping light work such as chopping onions, chilies, cooking and others. As we can see, the spirit of cooperation, mutual assistance and the spirit of cooperation are strong in these time.

But now days, practices of these activity are less enough. The spirit of cooperation among the public less enough. They prefer to make easy work that did not make themselves tired. Common example we can see are, they use catering services. As we can see now days, each time the presence of feast, people will use catering service as their food supplier.

In conclusion, with this habits, the spirit of cooperation will becoming less and possibly will vanish forever. In addition this also will be able to make value of tolerance and community are not growing.

Therefore, we urge people to not forget this practices and keep on practice this activity so that the community will become more harmonies and a better living place ! 

 p/s we were looking forward for the next post ! Thanks for your support. : )


  1. peningkatan taraf hidup rakyt yg m'buatkan ramai yg memilih utk amik pakej katering dr bergotong-royong.. lebih mudah katanya.. lg2 di bandar besar.. kalo pilih gtong-royong sklipun, jiran2 tak mpu beri komitmen disebabkan sibuk dengan urusan masing2. katering jgk dah jadi trend msa kini :)

  2. zaman dh berubah....
    tapi adat resam harus d kekalkn wlpown berada di mana....2 bg pndangan aku la.....pew2 pown msing2 de style masing2....hhihihi=)

  3. reasons of not having much time to gather and make up the feast often given nowadays.. in my housing area, the reason would be much the same as not having much time to spend and so not having space to cook will matter for the community.. so the choice would be in preference to do a feast in hotel or simply just order from caterer. but no matter how, it depends on how we take it.. whether, as a point to show off that u can hold a grand feast at 5star hotel or the point of showing your gratitute to those who came to celebrate whilst pleasing them thou u didn't cook the meal.. to me, i would wish to have villagers do my feast but it won't be sufficient and a reality at this buzy town as such as penang. :-)

  4. it depends on the individual and the community. because, the problem of urbanization is not a barrier to create a culture cooperation of in gatherings or feasts. It all starts from us. although we know have various packages of catering services including food set of food preparation to clean up all things and saves space, time and energy . but the value of community life cannot felt.

  5. sbnrnye bnda ni tpksa brubh sbb keadaan smsa.....keadaan org y sibuk mybbkn tpksa wt cm 2 utk mmudahkn sbnrya kurg baik utk khdupn bmsyrkt.ia boleh mghpuskn sgmt gtong ryog dan kjsma....tpulang pda indvdu

  6. for me,this activity are good,but nowadays ,most of the people are busy with pursuit the materialistic, so to made this activity become more easy,especially to invitation ,catering is the best solution.
